The simplest way to compliant
voice data.

Unlock the potential of your data with an automated high-fidelity anonymisation process. Start innovating, experimenting and growing faster.

remove the id. keep the insights


biometric anonymisation

Voice identity removed

Through its proprietary gen-AI speech-to-speech solution, Nijta transforms voice data in a way that the speaker's identity becomes fully untraceable.

Homme au télephone
Customised solution

Tailored to your use case

Nijta adapts to the target geographical, sociocultural conditions and industry-specific PII and confidential information of your data.

Homme avec un téléphone
Sensitive content redaction

PII and confidential data accurately filtered out

Unlock the potential of your data with an automated high-fidelity anonymisation process. Start innovating, experimenting and growing faster.

Homme au télephone
superior fidelity

Retain all emotions & data value

Content, prosody and emotions are key to teaching your AI models and mining your data. With Nijta, your data stays 100% useful and natural, so no insight is left behind.

Zero PII left

No corruption of your data

Legally guaranteed

Validated by the French Data Protection Agency (CNIL)

Irreversible anonymisation

No way back to the speaker

protect your brand

Ready to uncover new knowledge without worrying about fines?

Clean data sets in seconds. Use them endlessly.

Large volume batch processing

Receive audio in the same format (mono or stereo, WAV, MP3...)

Compatible with****

Build or access any AI model without legal restrictions

Start improving knowledge management in your company with data you can handle freely. Replace silos and fog with improvements, innovations, AI training...

Law evolves? We’ve got you covered

In a fast-changing legal environment, you must be able to count on full compliance without worrying about new laws. Nijta keeps you compliant no matter what.

Femme avec un téléphone portable

Automate voice anonymisation in a snap

API available as both SaaS and On-Premise solutions

Set your data free
Start using Nijta.

Anonymise your first voice recording in minutes.