nijta for media

Protect speakers’ identity. Let all the stories be heard.

By offering the most advanced anonymisation possibilities, Nijta makes it safe to broadcast all information while protecting individuals from being identified.

Be part of the future of
speech security

Be part of the future of speech security

Femme qui film
Homme avec une caméra
Homme qui interview un autre homme
Homme qui enregistre un podcast

Anonymise speech more easily, broadcast freely

Forget fiddling with pitch and distortion. With just a click, Nijta transforms your recording with the highest level of anonymisation while ensuring the audio quality you are looking for.

Homme au téléphone

Keep your speakers and your communications safe

Those sharing their truth in the open shouldn’t have to choose between speaking and being safe. By cutting the link with the original speaker, Nijta helps you provide your sources with the protection they need to speak freely, letting you broadcast any content with peace of mind.

Whistleblower protection

Confidential sources

Victims of crime

Witness protection

Political Dissidents


Sensitive health information

Military personnel

Survivor of abuse

Get more stories out by guaranteeing anonymity.

By reassuring your sources with your ability to provide the anonymity they deserve, you’ll put all the chances on your side to get the interviews you want. Never give up on your perfect interview for safety concerns again.

fully automated compliance

They are staying ahead of compliance.

Our partnership with Nijta has been a real turning point for Oky Doky, enabling us to overcome major legal and technical hurdles in handling medical emergency calls.

Hasni Khabeb
CEO of Oky Doky

Our partnership with Nijta has been a real turning point for Oky Doky, enabling us to overcome major legal and technical hurdles in handling medical emergency calls.

Hasni Khabeb
CEO of Oky Doky
Hasni Khabeb
Hasni Khabeb
Our partnership with Nijta has been a real turning point for Oky Doky, enabling us to overcome major legal and technical hurdles in handling medical emergency calls.
Hasni Khabeb

Hasni Khabeb

CEO of Oky Doky

Our partnership with Nijta has been a real turning point for Oky Doky, enabling us to overcome major legal and technical hurdles in handling medical emergency calls.
Hasni Khabeb

Hasni Khabeb

CEO of Oky Doky

Your data won’t be.

Anonymise your first voice recording in minutes.