I-Lab lauréat!

🏆 We are thrilled to announce that Nijta has been awarded the prestigious I-Lab Prize! 🚀 Our AI-powered voice data anonymization solution has been recognized as a groundbreaking innovation in the field of data privacy and security. This prestigious competition, sponsored by Bpifrance, celebrates and supports entrepreneurs and startups that are revolutionizing the technological landscape. The I-Lab Prize is a testament to our commitment to safeguarding individual privacy while preserving the value of data, and we are grateful for the financial support and guidance that will enable us to scale our solution and drive positive change in the industry. We are dedicated to revolutionizing the way voice data is handled across various sectors and look forward to paving the way for a safer and more ethical digital future. Thank you to all our supporters and the I-Lab committee for this incredible honor! 🙌

#ILabPrize #DataPrivacy #Innovation #AI #Nijta #VoiceDataAnonymization

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