Nijta is joining Le Voice Lab !



We are thrilled to announce that Nijta has joined Le Voice Lab family, an incredible community of voice technology experts and enthusiasts! 🤩

Le Voice Lab is a French association that brings together various institutional players (universities, research laboratories, etc.) and private companies whose common interest is to create an independent ecosystem and common standards to enable France and Europe to remain competitive in the global voice market. This community works on a wide range of projects, from developing virtual assistants and chatbots to improving the accuracy and efficiency of speech recognition software and voice-controlled devices.

In joining Le Voice Lab, Nijta is joining a team of highly skilled and dedicated researchers, professionals and academics who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the fields of voice technology and natural language processing.

🦾 Together, we will work towards creating innovative and privacy-preserving voice-based technologies that will improve our ability to interact with the world around us using our voices, while establishing the confidence that our data is not misused.

You can find various past events to have a glimpse of what we will be working on, and how we will add our solution to this marvelous ecosystem!

📣 Stay tuned for more updates on our partnership with Le Voice Lab association! 

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